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Hot Skid 250

The AGT Compost Hot Skid 250-4R was built with the frugal dairy farmer in mind bringing all the core expertise and functionality of Agrilab Technologies Inc. (AGT) systems in a pared-down simple package.  The equipment offers value, durability, and process control with labor and energy efficiency.

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About the Hot Skid 250

The AGT Compost Hot Skid 250-4R was built with the frugal dairy farmer in mind bringing all the core expertise and functionality of Agrilab Technologies Inc. (AGT) systems in a pared-down simple package. The system can be housed in an existing shed or barn and contains all the mechanical and control elements to run four compost batches while recovering heat. The variable speed blower and aeration cycles can be adjusted to run compost batches of 100 to 200 cubic yards (CY), or up to 250 CY with more easily aerated material.  This translates to a processing capacity of 33 - 150 CY per week for standard material or up to 200 CY for easily aerated material.  The recirculation(R) feature accelerates new batch activity by pushing warm oxygen vapor from adjacent active compost into the base of a fresh mixture.  This reduces the time to achieve 131F+ temperatures and enables winter operations.

With a typical four week retention time, site operators running 200 CY batches can process over 10,000 CY of inputs per year.  Farms and facilities larger than 10K/year of volume use multiple units or our larger CAHR models.




  • Dimensions:  4’ x 8’ x 6’ high steel skid with fork pockets, approximately 1500 lbs
  • Aeration:  2 or 3 horsepower blower with speed control, 100 to 450 CFM operating ranges, 6” pipe connections
  • Compost Batches:  Operate 4 compost batches of 75 to 200 CY each, with negative or recirculating aeration (positive add-on available)
  • Controls:  Expandable PLC system and touch-screen HMI interface, remotely accessible.  Tracking of oxygen, air flow, air and water temperatures.


Installing the Hot Skid 250

A 55’ wide by 60’ long hoop barn is well-sized to hold a Hot Skid 250-4R and its compost.
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Four windrows in a negative aerated static pile (ASP) system provides plenty of vapor for heat recovery, and the Hot Skid’s aeration and
recirculation system optimizes compost temperatures, heat recovery, and throughput.

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The Hot Skid is easily moved into place with forks and installed behind a push wall or in an adjacent shed. Hot water can be run through insulated pipes to nearby loads. Modest power (220V, 10 A service) and an ethernet line are the only utilities needed to run this compost and power production center. Condensate drainage can be by gravity or pumped with the included pump tank.
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If you need more capacity check out the Hot Box 250 series: