Exciting progress is happening in Brattleboro, VT, as site improvements at the Windham Solid Waste District are nearing completion! At the heart of this enhanced composting operation is an
AGT Compost Hot Box 250-4R, which will play a key role in transforming food scraps into nutrient-rich compost. This state-of-the-art system ensures about four weeks of aerated composting before transitioning to turned windrow processing, streamlining the entire composting workflow.
The upgraded site now boasts a comprehensive covered ASP composting system with a biofilter, improved water management through swales, a vegetated treatment area, and a new stormwater pond. These enhancements double the facility’s composting capacity—accommodating significantly more volume and tonnage within the same footprint—enabling the site to operate under a larger permit from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Solid Waste Division.
Agrilab Technologies is proud to contribute cutting-edge equipment and expertise, helping the Windham SWMD expand its composting capabilities and meet the growing demand for sustainable waste management. Housed within a 20-foot shipping container, the AGT system is a central piece of this innovative project.
This initiative reflects a collective effort, supported by funding from the Windham SWMD board, USDA Rural Development, and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, alongside contributions from our valued project partners: Steve Horton, Zaluzny Excavating, ClearSpan Structures, and Sanborn Head Engineering.
We are also pleased to share that the facility has been recognized as
one of 12 "Vital Projects" for economic and community development in southern Vermont by the
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC), selected from an impressive 83 submissions. Agrilab Technologies is honored to play a key role in this project that showcases the power of collaboration, innovation, and commitment to a sustainable future.